Premortem is a surreal, psychological thriller that follows one man’s slow descent into madness.
Our protagonist Fred is a man in the midst of a fate he can’t undo, a soul being destroyed by the visions inside his head and the horrors he perceives in the outside world. Losing track of reality and haunted by a demonic figure from his nightmares, Fred tries desperately to gain control of his life. Yet, as he finds out, it is not he who is in control...
Premortem was the first full-scale piece we made as a company and, while our skills and ability have come a long way in the years since its release, it is still a film we are incredibly proud of as our first fully-realised attempt to explore all things strange and surreal. It was a huge learning curve, serving as a defining first step towards building Frinin & Bok into the company you see today. The piece also serves as a realisation of themes and characters we had previously explored in a smaller way in some of our earliest short films, Sur and Serembrava, and in that way feels like a synthesis of all the themes we had been exploring in the years preceding its release.
Official Selections
September 2016 - Finalist, Grand Indie Wise Convention
August 2016 - Official Selection, Venice Film Week
January 2016 - Official Selection, Miami Independent Film Festival
December 2015 - Official Selection, Indie Film Festival
December 2015 - Official Selection, Los Angeles Cinefest
Audience Response
“Loved the writing. Very complex ideas put forward using easily accessible characters, locations and plot lines [...] I am still thinking about it this morning, which is rare. It will, I fear, invade my thoughts for some time to come! [...] The script is solid and unremitting from the start to the end.”