SQUARE focuses on the life of Justin Adams, a university student in Bristol, who has decided to change his life by throwing himself into left-wing activism. Adored by his friend Colin, respected by fellow activist Trixie and holding down a difficult relationship with girlfriend Chelsea, Justin embarks on an illicit affair with his lecturer Simon.

SQUARE was created by an LGBT+ couple called Owen B Lewis and George Harold Millman. Says Writer/Showrunner Owen about the creation of the show:
 “I created this show because it was something that was calling to me. I loved watching television dramas when I was growing up. I’ve always loved to watch stories full of imagination, that deal with humans and the pure emotions and obstacles that life brings to them… The show is very current and is something for right now. There are a lot of topics we plan to explore that are not even in the pilot, including one extremely topical storyline that we’ve never seen on television before, so it would be great to get the chance to explore all of it fully.”

The pilot has been filmed and scripts for the first season have been drafted. We are now at the pitching stage, and are looking for any individuals who are interested, who may help enable us to take the next step. If you are at all interested in the concept, please let us know. We would love for you to attend the event, or to meet with you either virtually or in person.

Links to articles about SQUARE:


Bristol Post:



  • Year: 2021
  • Run time:
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9

Key assets